My Contract on Republicans
Hey "bloggers."
So, it's looking better for Democrats in the fall. But we still need a positive agenda going forward. What I call a Contract on Republicans. Part of our Contract on Republicans - getting to universal health care. First insure all kids. Immediately! Day One. Medicare for Kids.
Second, restore fiscal sanity. Start by repealing the tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans. On them only. We're at war, folks. Let's act like it.
Three. Corruption. Restore honor and integrity to government. No outing CIA agents. Clean up Congress. Real lobbying reform. Clean elections - meaning public financing of federal elections. It will save the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars a year that get eaten up by special interest tax breaks, earmarks for contributors, and special exemptions from environmental and workplace safety rules. It'll save us so much money - get Congress working for us instead of their donors. Make sure our election results can be trusted. Meaning a paper trail.
Four. Education. Really Leave No Child Behind. Understand that the poorest kids in this country need MORE resources, not less. Pay teachers more to teach in at risk areas. Make the best teachers compete to work in at risk neighborhoods. Don't make districts rely entirely on their tax base to fund schools. Lower property taxes, but let's get serious about education about funding it from general revenues and training the best teachers possible.
Five. Science. We have to recognize that global climate change exists, and do something about it. An Apollo program for renewable energy. Wind, solar, yes, switch grass, ethanol. Conservation. Energy independence. Higher fuel efficiency standards. Stem cell research. Adult and embryonic. Let's not throw out 400,000 frozen embryos. Which are made up of about 12 cells. Let's use them to find the cure for juvenile diabetes. For Parkinsons. For spinal injuries. MS.
Six. Real National Security. Real port security. Secure the loose nukes in the former Soviet Union. WORK WITH OUR ALLIES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL TERRORISM.
Seven. Stop lying. Tell the American people the truth. Especially before leading us into war.
Eight. Fair trade. Let's make sure that our trade laws contain labor and environmental standards - so that workers at home and abroad aren't exploited and the environment isn't destroyed.
Nine - Pensions. Make sure that Americans retirements are secure.
What do you think?
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