Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford and Sun

The following is a comment I made to my wife yesterday during our discussion of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and his mysterious disappearance:

"I think Sanford is doing one of two things: either he's visiting with his mistress or he's taking a seedy trip to Mexico."

WOW! I'd say I hit that nail nearly dead center! The mention of Mexico was meant to reflect the general idea that Sanford was on some strange, clandestine getaway to South America, so the fact that the country involved was actually Argentina is largely of secondary importance. As I just expressed to @mlshapiro, I think I may be like the precogs from Minority Report, except my abilities only apply to grandiose political scandals.

Thus, I will now use these political precognitive powers to register a new comment: the GOP will continue to wander through the political wilderness for a long, long time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yes, I Can Hear You Now!

The money quote: "The FCC has been investigating loud ads since the 1960s..."

That's right, the government investigation into loud television commercials is approaching the half-century mark. Wow.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Ideas Worth Spreading

My wife showed me this video a couple years back and it's never quite left my mind. The speaker is Sir Ken Robinson, a "creativity expert," addressing an audience of educators at the Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) 2006 conference. He's like a British Michael Scott (which I guess is technically David Brent), except Robinson is actually quite funny and intelligent. Basically, forget the whole character comparison with The Office and just watch the video.