Thursday, March 30, 2006

Durham or Bust!

In less than 32 hours, I will be on my way to the Great State of North Carolina, more specifically the Great City of Durham. Why, you ask? Well, it seems a former college roommate of mine happens to be attending law school in Durham...some small, unknown school actually...I think it's called Dune University, or maybe Duve University (sounds French)...who knows (between you and me, I was just happy he got in somewhere!)...oh...oh wait...I'll be right back...

[...10 minutes later...]

So, it seems that Duke University, "founded in 1924 in honor of Washington Duke and his family", is the home of the famed Blue Devils, and is actually one of the most prestigious universities in the nation. I stand corrected. By the way, how much do you think tuition was at Duke University around 1924? Here are the choices:

A) $20-$30 per academic year
B) $80-$90 per academic year

C)$200-$300 per academic year
D)$500-$550 per academic year

So, what do you think? I'll give you some more time...............ok, that's enough. If you said 'A', 'C', or 'D', well, you're just a moron. The correct answer was 'B', $80 to $90 for a full academic year. Amazing, considering how that is approximately $950 in today's economy, which is NOT ANYWHERE near the actual cost of tuition today.

Anyway, I have a list of about 20 different things I need to accomplish tomorrow to prepare for this trip. Here are just a few...

(1) Give my car an Extreme Makeover: Vehicle Edition. This includes the interior (cleaning out the car, vacuuming, spraying that wonderful bottle of 'new car smell' - which I believe is linked to causing cancer, and also makes cops that pull me over think I am huffing in the car - that I love oh so much, etc.), and the exterior (wash & wax, fill up the tires, check fluids, etc.).

[NOTE: Obvioulsy, I will be driving my car to Durham (if this comes as a surprise to you at this point in the post, you need to return to the 5th grade and hone your contextual reading skills). I'm not flying because I'm actually terrified of flying (which I really hate, hate being terrified that is), taking the train not only costs $160 but will add 4 hours to the trip, buses apparently break down more often than not, cycling just didn't seem feasible, roller blading was just laughable, walking was suicide, and crawling would probably result in death or at least severe knee and hand trauma. For 8 hours, it's just me, my 97 Chevy Cavalier, and a trusted AAA Mid-Atlantic Plus Membership.]

(2) Get out my summer clothes. That's right, it's going to be around 80 degrees in North Carolina and I CAN'T BE MORE EXCITED!

(3) Go to the bank for change. 8 Hours of Driving + Tolls = Don't Forget Coins!

(4) Finally, I must prepare myself for the ways of North Carolina, a southern state of this great USA. Now, of course I realize that the area around Duke University is not going to be a genuine southern experience, as the students are from all over the country and probably mostly from non-southern areas. However, I'm pretty sure some aspects of southern life are simply demanded by the laws of the state. For instance, I'm almost certain that North Carolina law states that at least 5% of the population must be performing one of the following tasks at all times: 1) loading hay onto a red, paint-faded truck with a large fork; 2) sitting in a rocking chair while wearing "thermal leggings" that have a buttoned flap on the person's behind; or 3) calling a person outside of North Carolina to persuade them that the Duke men's basketball team is the greatest team ever (this is a specific statute handed down from the Durham City Council). Luckily, I will be surrounded by some of the brightest future legal scholars of the state, so I shouldn't have a problem with any of these regional statutes.

I'd give you the rest of the list, but I just don't have the time if I actually want to get some sleep and an early start tomorrow. I must say, I am very excited to spend a little time away from New Jersey and visit somewhere, anywhere, else (even though I'll miss my AMAZING girlfriend, Andrea, and wish she could come too...yeah, I know, it's only a couple of don't get it, I miss her when I have to go to work!).

Also, in case you were wondering, Duke does INDEED have the best men's basketball team, so deal with it...SEE, you'd think I was in Durham already!

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