Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's Iowa Caucus Time!

OK, here we go, time to step out on that limb.
My predictions for tomorrow night's Iowa Caucuses:
~~~ Democratic Party ~~~
        1. Barack Obama
        2. John Edwards
        3. Hillary Clinton
Obviously, the race is extremely tight between the top three candidates here, but if there is going to be something different than this configuration, I think it will be a switch between Edwards and Obama, with Hillary remaining in third. I think both Obama and Edwards will benefit from their respective "change" and populist messages, as well as from increased general and first-time caucus goer turnout (helped by clear weather and the hype of this election season). I also don't see how any other candidate has a chance of breaking into the top three here.
~~~ Republican Party ~~~
        1. Mitt Romney
        2. Mike Huckabee
        3. John McCain
Similarly, the race is very tight between Romney and Huckabee, so another likely scenario could be a switch between the two of them. It really seems to be a choice between two candidates with their own set of political flaws: Romney seems to be the "stronger" presidential candidate (financially and stylistically), but his Mormonism and flip-flop background may hurt him; Huckabee is the proud Christian Conservative, but his political expertise has seemed lacking at times. Also, I'm going with McCain in the #3 spot, but wouldn't be shocked to see the slippery Ron Paul come close to a third place finish here.

1 comment:

Mr. Cooper said...

Ah, we almost agree. Swap the one and two spots in both, but I was very tempted to predict a Romney win.