Thursday, March 20, 2008

"That's McCain!" - Entry #1 and #2

Time to kick off a new blog post series, one that will certainly continue into the fall general election season, called "That's McCain!" The basic idea is to highlight the guaranteed litany of political gaffes committed by Republican presidential nominee John McCain. And to get things started, we already have the first and second installment in the series. Enjoy!

Entry #1
- McCain Falsely States Multiple Times that 'Iranian Operatives Are Taking Al Qaeda Into Iran'

Entry #2 - McCain Incorrectly Refers to Purim As 'Their Version of Halloween' In Israel

Sure, McCain conflates all those "bad guys" in the Middle East. And sure, McCain thinks Purim is about dressing up as Spider-Man and collecting Snickers bars. However, we can't fault John McCain for his mistakes because......all together now......"That's McCain!"

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