Monday, November 12, 2007

Listen Up Iowa

Response to Adam's post: It's obvious you hate America.
A few improving national and state poll results, an energetic speech at this weekend's Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Iowa, a solid interview on Meet The Press this past Sunday morning and Barack Obama is having, as VH1 would say, the Best Week Ever.

Do yourself a favor and watch the video of the aforementioned speech Obama delivered in Iowa this past weekend. It is truly inspiring and, were Obama to go on and win the 2008 presidential election, I think we'll be adding the portion of Obama's speech between the 19 and 20 minute mark to the American collection of memorable speeches. Gives me chills every time I watch it.


Mr. Cooper said...

I actually really didn't think Obama was good on Meet the Press. Will probably post on it later.

Mr. Cooper said...

I LOVE America. That's why I support John Edwards. Go John Go!