Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Baby Won't Stop Kidnapping Me: The Donna Lang Story

If there were awards for the funniest websites of the internet, this one deserves to be in the running. Check it out...

It's called the Lifetime Movie Title Generator, and it's hilarious. It's pretty self explanatory: you enter a few pieces of information into the site (character, setting, plot, etc.) and presto, your very own Lifetime movie title is created!

The best one I've come up with so far is the title of this post, which is so absurd it makes me laugh every time I read it. Try it out for yourself, and post a comment if you come up with anything as funny as a baby that refuses to stop kidnapping its own mother.

1 comment:

Mr. Cooper said...

The Lori Smith Story: The Purging That Love Made