Friday, October 27, 2006

Google vs. Yahoo...How About Both!?

Companies love to face off against rival companies. Apple Mac vs. Microsoft PC....Sony Playstation vs. Microsoft X-Box...Firefox Browser vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer...hey Microsoft, stop being so damn aggressive!

While these companies duke it out, I present to you a joining of two entities that makes Sears & Roebuck look like a bunch of chumps...

That's right. It's Yahoo. It's Google. It's GahooYoogle. This crowning achievement by some internet-savvy individual (that is clearly up to his eyeballs in copyright infringement issues) utilizes both search engines in a split screen format. My only objection: in naming this chimera of search engines, rather than switching the first letters of each word, I think a combination of the two titles (think Gahoogle) would have been catchier.

Now go and get your GahooYoogle on. You can start by GahooYoogle-ing 'Sears & Roebuck'.


Anonymous said...

This is just GREAT!
Thank you for sharing it.

Mr. Cooper said...

I would have preferred "Yahoogle".