Monday, October 30, 2006

Waiting On The World To Change

Check out the new blog I added to my list on the's called Coalition for Darfur and it's simply one of many websites and blogs devoted to the growing crisis in Darfur, a crisis that our country (and our world) is having difficulty reacting to as quickly as the situation demands. Andrea came across it while researching information for the new human rights student group that she founded, and is now advising, at her high school.

It's time for the people of the world to firmly agree that genocide anywhere in the world is the responsibility of every country in the world. For your part, take a couple minutes and educate yourself on both the history and current status of the crisis in Darfur; the more people that fully comprehend the devastation that is occuring in Darfur, the more likely the powers that be will know we're serious about acting now, and not when a horrible situation becomes irreconcilable.


Mr. Cooper said...

I'm tempted to agree with you, but you lost me by naming this post after a truly awful John Mayer song. Let's unite about how bad that song is!

CJ said...

haha..I KNEW you were going to comment about that, and I was so close to not calling it that but, song quality aside, it just fit too well. AND, every time I hear the song it gets stuck in my head, so now it appears to be subconciously bleeding into my blogging.