Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Slippery Slope to Morbid Obesity

(Mr. Cooper's blog post from a few days ago reminded me of something I wanted to mention regarding Domino's Pizza...)

Is it really necessary and/or desirable for Domino's Pizza to be serving fudge brownies, or 'Fudgems' as they call them? Am I the only one a little confused and disgusted by this? You sell pizza, Domino's...well, to be fair, you sell a pizza-esque creation. Regardless, how does it logically follow that your customers want 2 large cheese pizzas, one with sausage and one with pepperoni...oh, and also a half-dozen fudge brownies!?

I can already hear the Domino's Executive's rebuttal: McDonald's serves ice cream, Subway serves cookies AND brownies, etc. Well, Mr. Hot Shot Executive, my first question is how the hell did you find this blog!? Secondly, ice cream (more specifically milkshakes) has been paired with burgers and fries for decades (once again, I'm being VERY generous calling what McDonald's serves "burgers and fries"). And finally, it's natural to have a cookie or brownie as a snack with a turkey and cheese Subway sandwich. Not so with a greasy, cheesy, saucy slice of Domino's "pizza".

Face the facts, Domino's. You realized you can capitalize on your already unhealthy, overweight customers by exploiting their low tolerance for chocolate snacks. Shame on you. From now on, world, "Just say 'NO' to Domi-NO's"!

[NOTE: For the record, fudge brownies are quite possibly one of my favorite snack foods. However, I make them fresh from Ms. Betty Crocker and they end up having less than a gram of fat per brownie. Additionally, there have been unconfirmed reports that Domino's, in response to my comments, will no longer serve fudge brownies. Instead, they will begin serving 'Salad-on-the-Go' adult meals...but guess what's sprinkled on every salad...FUDGE BROWNIES*!]

*Of course, I made this last part up...please don't sue me Domino's.


Andrea said...

I just saw a commercial and there was a little girl hugging a life size fudgem. I didn't realize that 10 Fudgems come FREE with a large pizza. I'm sad.

Anonymous said...

If you were able to convince Domino's to stop selling brownies because they are filled with sugar, empty calories and have very little nutrition value whatsoever, why don't you make it a point to have brownies removed from Subway. If you are able to achieve that, you should try getting brownies and other "junk" foods out of schools where small children can access them daily. With the obesity epidemic affecting children and adults alike, every little bit will help!