Monday, August 25, 2008

[DNC 08] Day 1 in Denver: Introductions

Most Looking Forward To:
Both Michelle Obama's primetime speech (hopefully accompanied by her extremely adorable children) and the highly anticipated revelation of whether or not Ted Kennedy will make a speech, or just a thrilling appearance, at tonight's convention events.

Least Looking Forward To: Excessive cable news coverage of any and all messages delivered by random insane individuals roaming the streets of Denver. You know what I'm talking about...a group calling themselves 'Conservative Circus Performers for Tibet' comes marching down Main Street and reporters start drooling all over themselves thinking about the inevitably juicy interview they're going to get with the group's half-baked leader. I know crazy sells, but let's try and keep this to a minimum please. Plus, there'll be plenty of crazy to cover throughout all next week's news cycle when the Republicans arrive in St. Paul (ba-dum, chhh!).

*** Watch online HERE! ***

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