Friday, August 08, 2008

Back to Blogging

Ladies and gentlemen (and Mr. Cooper): my blogging vacation has officially come to its conclusion. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Don't worry, nothing of great interest has taken place over the past couple of months...just the end of my first year of graduate school, the purchase of my first home, my wedding, and my honeymoon in know, the regular day-to-day stuff.

You may or may not have noticed some visual changes to the blog, depending upon just how boring your days really are. I figured I'd go with the blue palette, for now, as a tribute to the Democratic Party for the upcoming general election season. Corny, you say? Well, I'll just respond by pointing out how rude you are, sir or madam. Please leave the blog immediately.

It's definitely fun blogging again, and I'll end by mentioning just how awesome it is that there are less than 90 days left until what I like to refer to as 'political Christmas', aka the upcoming general election. Huzzah!

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