Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Only 66 Days Left Until Voting Begins

Check out the Democratic candidates on the MSNBC debate Tuesday night at 9:00pm, moderated by NBC's Brian Williams.

Here are my predictions for at least one thing each candidate will say/do at some point during the debate:
  • Hillary Clinton will...make some kind of remark regarding being "the attention of so many men", referring to the other candidates speaking against her, followed by a discordant cackle (that will haunt my dreams forever).
  • Barack Obama will...state exactly in these words, "I was against this war [pause] from the start [emphasis on start]", referring to the Iraq War (which will make that the 1,289th time he's uttered that exact phrase in that exact cadence).
  • John Edwards will...gesture forcefully with his hands while talking about some issue (likely poverty), placing his hands parallel to each other, palms facing in, thus revealing his yellow livestrong bracelet. Watch for this one all night.
  • Bill Richardson will...listen to the debate questions by violently squinting and scrunching his face tighter than any human should ever be capable of.
  • Chris Dodd will...manage to cram more words into 60 seconds than half the other candidates combined. I'd say he rivals the Micro Machines guy, but I fear that reference is dated (and, thus, depressing for those of us that remember the commercials).
  • Joe Biden will...attempt to answer the six debate questions he wasn't called on for during a question he was called on for, thus looking like some sort of rambling lunatic. He'll also make some sort of reference to how it's time politicians "started telling you the truth [emphasis on truth]".
  • Dennis Kucinich will...pull out the pocket-sized version of The U.S. Constitution he keeps in the front breast pocket of his suit jacket. He'll also end every single answer with a, for lack of a better phrase, shit-eating-grin.
  • Mike Gravel will...shout incoherently. Enough said.

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