Monday, February 09, 2009

Monday Musing

Why is it that if a human being (or dog, cat, raccoon, etc.) were to fall from a height that was 100 times their own height (for example, a 6 foot tall human falling from a 600 foot height), there would be a result of almost certain death for that being, however, if a bug were to fall the same relative distance of 100 times its own height (as often occurs when someone knocks a spider from the top of a wall to the floor below, for instance), the bug not only survives the fall but remains capable enough to rapidly crawl away?

I assume there is a perfectly logical explanation for this phenomenon, involving a physics-based explanation, an entomology-based explanation, or both. Unless there are any physicists or entomologists reading this blog (highly unlikely), I assume my query will remain a mystery to myself and to all those similarly, just myself then.


Anonymous said...

chris said...

Ahhh, interesting. Mystery solved!