Thursday, September 25, 2008

John McCain For U.S. Dictator

Let's see here: actively shutting down the access of a free press...check...overtly disseminating lies and propaganda about political opponents...check...demanding the suspending of national electoral proceedings...check...welcome to Supreme Leader McCain's America, everyone!

I exagerate, but even the fact that these charges can be semi-legitimately levied against the McCain-Palin campaign shows just how frightening this ticket has become over the past several months. Republicans need to take a hard, long look at themseves and contemplate if these are truly the best candidates they had to offer for arguably the most important elected office of the world, and if so, then the rest of America should feel pity for the current state of the Republican Party.

Quite frankly, the McCain-Palin campaign needs to be put out of its misery. I'm looking forward to the Obama-Biden campaign doing just that in 40 days.

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