Monday, February 25, 2008

Now...I'm F#@&ing Ben Affleck

I wouldn't say it's as good as the Sarah Silverman original, but anything that brings together Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, Harrison Ford, a dozen other movie, television, and music figures, and, well...Ben a pretty amazing feat. Like the original, there are certain parts that I can't help but crack up every time I watch this celebrity-infused hilarity: a dramatically crooning Josh Groban, a water-splashing Robin Williams, and, who could forget 'Honk If You're F#@&ing Ben Affleck'.


Mr. Cooper said...

The original gets extra points simply for being original, but I'd argue this is better for a few reasons. And their names are Josh Groban and MCLOVIN!

CJ said...

Good point, although I really hate McLovin, and all things 'Superbad' for that matter. 'Superbad' for me is what 'Juno' is to you. lol