Friday, December 14, 2007

You Better Be Near 'Legend'ary

UPDATE: Yeah, so...I'm pretty disappointed right now. Let's put it this way: the amazing trailer for The Dark Knight shown before the movie was easily the more memorable part of my movie experience tonight.

I think the first trailer I saw for I Am Legend was a good year or so ago. It's clearly positioned as the holiday blockbuster movie (with Sweeney Todd, as well as the collective force of all 100 Oscar movie releases, nipping at its heals), and it's release date is finally here. You better believe I'll be at my local theater nice and early tomorrow night to reserve my seat amongst the rowdy masses.

And to you, I am Legend, all I ask is that you're even close to the hype that has surrounded you throughout the run-up to this movie's release. Just get don't have to to be the best post-apocalyptic vampire movie I've ever seen (then again, I'm not sure you're competing with more than the Blade trilogy here, so it looks like you do have to be the best). We're talking Will Smith, crazy aerial shots of a barren NYC, eerie creatures lurking in the night...please don't turn out to be like the remake of Godzilla with Matthew Broderick, please!

I Am Legend, if you mess this one up, I vow to never see another "suspenseful monster movie set on the streets of New York City" ever again......until J.J. Abrams's Cloverfield is released in January, that is. To the movies!


Mr. Cooper said...

It gets it's own post? Really? Wow. I didn't realize expectations were so high. I'm assuming it will be passable.

Mr. Cooper said...

Hm, really? I figured it would at least be okay. I was gonna go Monday night -- should I not bother?