Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why So Serious?

Can someone please explain to me how the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences were willing to step outside the conventional Oscar nominating boundaries to recognize Robert Downey Jr.'s performance in Tropic Thunder, a role that (for better or worse) unabashedly explores the lighter side of blackface, however those same members were unwilling to recognize either the directing achievement or broader best picture excellence of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, the "comic book superhero movie" that has amounted to something much larger?

Sure, it's nice that the movie still managed to receive 8 other nominations, but those were the two that counted. If it wasn't for the overwhelming likelihood that Nolan is going to be the one accepting the posthumous Best Supporting Actor win for Heath Ledger's brilliant performance, then I wouldn't fault Nolan (and Bruce Springsteen, for that matter) for engaging in some award show shenanigans...might I suggest a swift punch in the face for Mr. Obnoxious himself, Ryan Seacrest?

Ok, you got me. This entire post was designed to lead to the topic of punching Ryan Seacrest in the face. I could have been posting about Dijon mustard, and still it would have lead to this precise suggestion.

Someone punch him, please.

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