Friday, January 23, 2009

And That's Why You Never Talk Negatively About Arrested Development

I'm sorry Michael Cera, but I had difficulty following what you were saying in this interview. It seems your MASSIVE ego may have gotten in the way, but I think you may have been talking dismissively about one of the greatest television shows ever created that just so happens to be responsible for starting your acting career. You're not some former contestant of American Idol that to further their career has to try and distance themself from their past, you have television roots that deserve honoring. Somebody get this kid a good publicist!

Meanwhile, the always positive Ron Howard has begun to calm things down a bit with an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe today, stating that even though the script is still being written he'd "be very surprised" if the movie wasn't greenlit.

Bottom line, if Cera isn't willing to reprise his role as George Michael Bluth, then I know someone who would be a perfect replacement...


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