Thursday, October 02, 2008

Post-Vice Presidential Debate Reaction

Some brief reaction points regarding tonight's vice presidential debate:

-->Regarding overall debate performance, Palin earned a C+ and Biden earned an A-.

-->Palin did not have a nuclear meltdown of a performance (although she mispronounced the word 'nuclear' about a dozen times), and Biden didn't make any verbal gaffes.

-->Biden struck an effective tone, showing a calm command of the issues and constantly refocusing the discussion to the deficiencies of the McCain platform, past and present.

-->It was abundantly clear that Palin's debate tactic was to provide answers to questions that were not asked (and, much like McCain in last week's debate, to make assertions that were grounded in exceptionally little fact); this is something viewers have particularly disliked in past debates, so I won't be surprised to see the post-debate survey questions regarding "Did the candidate answer the questions sufficiently?" come up very negatively for Palin.

-->Biden provided some powerful moments during the debate, including the reference to the rhetorical 'Bride to Nowhere' and his emotional discussion of being a single parent and a family man.

-->Palin made quite a few head scratching statements that will be dissected over the next few days, including misstating the name of the commanding general in Afghanistan and advocating an EXPANSION of the powers of the vice presidential office in a post-Cheney era of executive government.

-->Biden started off with little energy, but increased his passion as the debate progressed. Palin was noticeable nervous during many of her answers and used A LOT of folksy language, something I think plays well with some and not so well with others.

-->Gwen Ifill did an average job as the debate moderator, but her attempts to always draw corresponding dichotomies between Biden and Palin within the question prompts was a bit much (for ex., Palin's statement that "I just wish someone could tell me what exactly the Vice President even does!" is in no way, shape, or form comparable to Biden commenting he was not interested in being the Vice President; one comment is about being humble regarding the seeking of the VP slot on a ticket, while the other comment is about a lack of understanding of the duties of the vice presidency).

-->Best pre-debate sign from the crowd outside the debate auditorium: "My Beard Itches!"

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