Thursday, January 15, 2015

Revisiting 2014 Resolutions

1. Take a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building.
[Unfortunately, didn't take any trips to D.C. last year. Hoping to return soon with some friends who haven't been since childhood.]

2. Create and prepare an original food recipe.
[Still too apprehensive to deviate greatly from a recipe.]

3. Support someone's artistic expression.
[Considering every film watched or book read fulfills this resolution, sure. But also sought out the artistic works of amateur creators more than previous years, so definitely.]

4. Patronize a bed and breakfast on vacation.
[Airbnb is like the hyper-modern equivalent of a bed and breakfast, and we stayed at two Airbnb homes during our California adventure. Counting it.]

5. Grow a robust beard.
[Real talk: due to my genes, every beard I grow is robust. And I did grow one for a couple of weeks at the end of the year. But I'm still waiting to undertake a true beard journey.]

6Read a graphic novel for the first time.
[Decided to go with Y: The Last Man and enjoyed the heck out of it, especially since I read it over the course of numerous days lounging on the beach. Still largely prefer other media forms to the comic book format, but it was an enjoyable first experience.]

7. Learn to use advanced video editing software.
[Oh, how I yearn for the day I may escape the buggy clutches of the beast known only as the Windows Movie Maker.]

8. Successfully complete the 30 Day Plank Challenge.

9. Focus on long-term, big-picture perspectives.
[Another year of feeling bogged down by the here and now.]

10. Convince someone else to complete one resolution.
[Well, I didn't stay at those Airbnb homes by myself, so technically this was fulfilled.]

(Original Post: 'Resolutions for 2014')

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