Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Adventures of Max the Dog

It's nice how a simple project for a high school advanced video class has become a tribute to my childhood dog, Max. Thanks to a trail of Cheerios, some peanut butter, and a few dozen dog treats, Max was transformed into an amazing actor. As an added bonus, this video serves as a chance to revisit my old house, my old bedroom, my old car, and...well...a younger me.

After some minor editing and enhancement of the original version, I present to you the absurdity that is The Adventures of Max the Dog. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder why the "visual effects" were of such hilariously poor quality. But, most importantly, you'll be treated to a brief glimpse of the greatness that was Max.


Mr. Cooper said...

YOU GOT THIS UP BUT NOT THE ONE WE MADE WITH LANE? I don't even remember what we called it anymore. But get that one up NOW!

chris said...

I know, I'm working on it! lol

I thought I already told you this, but the files I have on my old computer are messed up and won't upload to YouTube. So, I have to recopy the original footage from the 8mm tapes. BUT, I no longer have access to an 8mm camera, so I need to find one (I'm going to give my aunt a call because I think she may have one). That's basically the predicament.

Rest assured, it WILL be posted eventually. And, if you remember, there exist many more hours of hilarious aerial camera zooms of umbrellas and walking up walls ring a bell!? (yep, officially the weirdest sentence I've ever typed just there)

Stay tuned!

Mr. Cooper said...

Those will not -- I repeat, NOT -- be uploaded. Burn those.