Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rolling Stone Endorses Obama

"Rolling Stone is backing Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for president, the first time the music magazine has endorsed a contender for the White House during the primary."


Mr. Cooper said...

Politician, or rock star? I keep getting confused.

CJ said...

I know, how dare Obama not have tepid support, what does he think he's doing bringing all this enthusiasm to the Democratic Party?

Mr. Cooper said...

CJ said...

Exactly...both Obama and Clinton have brought untold amounts of enthusiasm to the Democratic Party this year, but Obama is singled out and mocked for being a "rock star". Just seems to be both a double standard and antithetical to the idea that electoral enthusiasm is a good thing for the party.

Mr. Cooper said...

You don't see a difference between the way that Clinton and Obama are received and reported on, or in the way that their supporters or rallies look?

CJ said...

I do see that the enthusiasm, both from a supporter position and from a media position (although, I think the media enthusiasm with Obama has diminished over the past couple of weeks), is greater for Obama than for Clinton, but I don't see why that is something negative that Obama deserves to be mocked for.