Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Run For The Border

Sixty-five percent of American adults (approx. 127 million people) are overweight, 60 million of which are obese and 9 million of those characterized as extremely obese*......and yet, Taco Bell has decided to execute a marketing campaign revolving around what they term "Fourthmeal: The Meal Between Dinner & Breakfast". How socially responsible of them!

Why eat a measly three meals a day, something those know-it-all "doctors" and health-obsessed hippie "nutritionists" suggest you do, when you can eat a 'fourthmeal' in the form of an 'Extreme Cheese and Beef Quesadilla' from Taco Bell!? Oh...because you'll end up developing hypertension, diabetes, and/or heart disease that will lead to premature death...then again, it's cheese and beef, so it's kind of a toss-up.

* Statistics from

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