Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Ray Of 'Sunshine' At The End Of Summer


Movie Title: Little Miss Sunshine.

Starring: Abigail Breslin, Greg Kinnear, Paul Dano, Alan Arkin, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston.

Date/Time Attended: The 2:00pm showing on Saturday, August 19th, and the final "date movie" of the summer with Andrea.

Average Age of Audience Member: 55+.

Movie Synopsis in One Sentence
An eccentricity-laden family spends some quality time together during a road trip to the finals of a young girl beauty pageant.

The Good: Where to begin...the movie's style is so unique in it's authenticity, the story is both hilarious and oddly inspiring, and the acting is simply excellent. The actors complement each other so perfectly, and if I were to describe each of their singular talents in detail I would never do them I won't. The movie becomes so chaotically hilarious at points that I found myself convulsing in my seat, tears of laughter streaming down my face (luckily, I need only look to my left to find my Andrea in a similar state).

The Bad: This is tough...there really isn't anything coming to mind that I thought could have been done differently or didn't work. Maybe the scene at the hospital was a little too off-the-wall, but what ensued as a result of that was hilarious so I didn't mind.

Oscar Potential:
It's definitely deserving of a 'Best Screenplay' nomination, and the musical score was pretty enjoyable. In terms of acting, while the ensemble nature doesn't really lend itself to any lead or supporting acting nominations (maybe a supporting one for Alan Arkin), I expect the Screen Actors Guild Awards to extend an 'Best Ensemble' nomination their way.

The Verdict
: Easily the funniest, most interesting, and overall best film of the year so far.

If You Liked______, You May Like These: The Royal Tenenbaums, Lost in Translation, About a Boy.


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